supernachmittag SNM
Completely Without Innocence
Text: Sol Haring
"Ich verzeih mir alles -es ist gut, dass es mich gibt"
Peter thought it would be easier. The wife beater would not rip. It is a stage performance, a job. The guitar player stands right in front of him. A novel gaze. Eyes fixed. He is somewhere else but still right here. His feet brace against the stage floor, his jeans remain around his ankles. He pulled them down during the last guitar solo, showing off his Calvin Klein white covered butt. The guitar player does not care that this moment seems to be frozen. His entire hand hits the fingerboard of his telecaster. The tubescreamer and overdrive generate clangs without melody. The subway above the Chelsea interferes with the electromagnetic field letting the PA howl and crack. The wifey rips, finally. Sol has covered his nipples with bridal white adhesive tape. A rather wild method considering that he has to rip it off after the show.
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