
Fatih Aydogdu
Doinu zikinak
"Bost axola"


Kultura zuriak beti aldarrikatu du aginte arautzailea, bere kultur praktikak "erregular" moduan identifikatuz eta besteenak ukatuz "anormalak" direlakoan. Horretarako betikotu egiten du "nortasun zuria" markatu gabeko kolektibo gisa diskurtso sozial, legal eta politikoetan, eta "bestea" kategorizatu, kodetu eta "desberdintasunak" markatutako kolektibo gisa. Musikaren barruan, arrazaren arabera bestekotzeko prozesu hori "doinu zikinak" kontzeptuan agertzen da.

download Doinu zikinak

Fatih Aydogdu
Dirty Tones - "You don't care"

White culture has always claimed normative authority by identifying its own cultural practices as "regular" whilst depriving those of the others as "deviant". It does this by perpetuating the "white self" as an unmarked collective in social, legal, and political discourses - and "the other" as categorised, codified and marked by "difference". Within music, this process of racial othering appears in the notion of "dirty tones".

download Dirty Tones


Soundscape by Fatih Aydogdu

daylight nightlight
Soundscape by Fatih Aydogdu

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