
Dewayne Slightweight
Beste neska batzuen ohiturak ezagutu nahi ditut

I Want to Know the Habits of Other Girls [Beste neska batzuen ohiturak ezagutu nahi ditut] komiki moduan hasi zen; bertan bilbatzen ziren osagai autobiografikoak eta lau pertsonaiaren istorioak: Limbo Tomboy, haur mirari konposatzailea; Gilda Radner, fikziozko komediantea, Jean Wilder izeneko emakumea maite duena Gene Wilder izeneko gizona maite beharrean; Gordon Gaskill, mundu alorreko aditua gizonen eta pelikanoen arteko harreman erotikoetan; eta Auntie, familiaren garra bizirik gordetzen duena.

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Dewayne Slightweight
I Want to Know the Habits of Other Girls

I Want to Know the Habits of Other Girls began as a comic which interweaved autobiographical elements with the stories of four characters: Limbo Tomboy, child prodigy composer, Gilda Radner, a fictionalized comedian who loves a woman called Jean Wilder instead of a man called Gene Wilder, Gordon Gaskill, world expert on erotic relations between men and pelicans, and Auntie, keeper of the family flame.

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I Want to Know the Habits of Other Girls
Soundexcerpt by Dewayne Slightweight

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