Marina Grzinic / Aina Smid
Female Consequences: Sex and Rock'n'Roll Text: Marina Grzinic
I will discuss a series of performance activities by women artists in the territory of ex-Yugoslavia, more precisely in Slovenia from the 1980s to the present. My aim is also to articulate the broader implication of feminism and post-feminist theories, staged sexuality and masquerade tactics of perversion and violence in relation to video, rock'n'roll and punk music and their performative politics. It is a question of history as well, or better to say, of genealogies of women's activities in worlds outside the capitalist First World, and the way in which these genealogies are included in the big story about female consequences for radical art and theory. This history is not reconsidered seriously in Ljubljana, Slovenia, either; it is only from time to time retold within the insiders' circles of the underground movement of the 1980s in former Yugoslavia.
download Famale Consequences  The essay was first published in Female Consequences. Feminismus. Antirassismus. Popmusik. Rosa Reitsamer / Rupert Weinzierl (eds.), Vienna: Löcker 2006
